a balanced approach to living well

For the most up-to-date information please check out our social media sources on Facebook and Instagram!
Contact us:
Welcome to our site!
We are back in the office seeing clients and schedules are busier then ever! Appointments are made Monday through most Saturdays. Please email/message for specific scheduling.
Our weekly Zoom exercise class schedules are also in progress--please see class information here on the site. We are always open for new guests to join in on the fun! First WEEK of classes are always FREE!
(Updated as of June 2022) The safety and wellness of our clients and customers are of the utmost importance to us. Please know that we are actively monitoring the state of
COVID-19 and following any necessary procedures that are recommended.
Our office follows strict safety protocols to ensure your experience is a happy and healthy one. We also take extra steps to sanitize in between client sessions with regards to our linens, running a HEPA certified air purifier in treatment room(s), sanitizing treatment tables and all
surfaces within the treatment room and office
before & after sessions, and at end
of day.
We understand that the face mask mandate was lifted recently, however we still encourage you to self monitor your own personal health--especially if you have recently traveled, been in contact with someone positive, or you have become ill with COVID 19 yourself. We can discuss prior to your appointment about your current health status. As your practitioner, I will be wearing a facemark 100% of the time per my decision to keep close contact interactions to a minimum. Bottom line--we want you to feel comfortable, safe, relaxed, and happy you made your appointment (& come back! :).
Thank you and be safe out there! We thank you again for your patience and understanding as we navigate this ever changing territory.
REMEMBER to continue to utilize healthy and precautionary measures at home by:
washing hands frequently
staying away from those that are ill
listening to your own body if you become ill
get plenty of rest
eat well/stay hydrated
maintain your usual amount of exercise
find something to help you de-stress, maintain something that brings you Joy--as this is essential during times like this.
Thank you. Please feel free to reach out with any
questions or concerns,
Be Well Friends,
LPH ;)
We are Zooming---Join in on some weekly exercise and FUNctional Movement! Check our calendar for schedule details.
Fusion-Style --Thursdays at 8:30am
Strength&Movement - Tuesdays at 3:30pm
R3 (Recover/Restore/Rebuild) -Tuesdays at 6:30pm & Thursdays from 6-7pm
Roll&Stretch class--NOW 2 days/week-- Monday's & Friday's from 9:30-10:30am
EnduroCore -- Wednesday at 12pm for 30-40 minutes.
All levels are welcome and classes are 60 minutes long with the exception of EnduroCore.
*Website updated on June 2022*

About Us
Our company is designed for active individuals who want to explore the benefits of exercise and therapeutic massage. We make every effort to eagerly promote an active lifestyle by teaching people about their bodies and giving them tools to help them achieve their own personal health and wellness goals. By using therapeutic massage in-conjunction with proper corrective exercise techniques, the client can attain a better, more balanced body. Services are custom designed, for the individual.
Whether you are a highly trained athlete, a weekend warrior, apprehensive about starting an exercise program or have a chronic, nagging injury, Therapeutic Bodyworks welcomes you!